Myelovax™ in Multiple Myeloma

The Myelovax™ vaccine consists of two multiple myeloma cell lines plus K562 cells modified to express GM-CSF which serves as an adjuvant to attract antigen-presenting cells and subsequently generate long-standing immunity.

Myelovax™ is advancing in clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of this investigational cancer vaccine for patients with multiple myeloma that have entered in a complete remission.

Over 32,000 people are diagnosed with multiple myeloma annually and the average life expectancy is 5 years. The majority of multiple myeloma patients experience repeated relapse following initial therapy, which includes a variety of combination therapies and the common use of autologous stem cell transplant. Multiple myeloma can change genetically with treatment, and more aggressive clones can evolve over time, making relapsed myeloma more difficult to treat.